
Memorial Day

Memorial Day, like Veteran’s Day, has taken on a different meaning than what was intended. Now it is thought of as the kick-off weekend of summer and a 3-day weekend. But wouldn’t it be great if we actually remembered what Memorial Day is really about and why it was started?


Memorial Day (originally called Decoration Day), was initiated as a day of remembrance and of respect to our veterans. New York was the first state to recognize this day of observance in 1873, although the first place it was observed was Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia in 1868. The states in the south, however, didn’t officially recognize the day until after World War I.


Remembering our veterans and their unrivaled and selfless service is paramount to the day. My father, Major Theodore Lustig, served for 23 years in the Army, including serving in WWII and The Korean War. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery after his death in 2013, which makes me very proud and which offers a place of solemn contemplation for all of our war heroes and their families.


I miss my father every day, and this Memorial Day, I hope we all can take a moment to thank all of our soldiers for their service.


With respect and gratitude,

