Flowers copy

May: Outdoor Spaces

​After such a cold April and spring to date, the month of May holds special hope and dreams of warmth and… gardening! One of my favorite May activities is to fill my yard and patio with flowers. I have one special garden on the top of a stone wall that is my favorite and each year I try something new there. I have tried every variation of flower, but this year I’m going simple and sticking with only Geraniums or only Petunias in that particular garden. My color theme is going to be deep purple and orange, with a smattering of hot pink if forced to introduce another color by what’s available.


I’ve been working a LOT lately, from very early in the morning to late at night, which is typical in the spring market, but this month I am going to try and take a little breather each day. For me, that comes in three forms: gardening, taking my dog for a swim (he swims – I don’t), and reading. Lately, I’ve taken to Audible Books because I spend so much time in the car and it’s amazing how many books I’ve gotten through this way. And, thanks to my daughters pushing me to do so, I am now meditating for a few minutes each day. The hardest thing about meditating for me is finding a place that is peaceful and quiet. Between the dog, workmen/women, the lawn guys and their machines, the pool people and so on, it is a rare moment when my house is silent. But, I have found that to meditate you must make the time and must force the silence.


When I garden, I consider that purely me time. That is what I choose to do on Mother’s Day, over any fancy brunch out, or any kinds of gifts. It brings me pleasure to garden and further pleasure to spend 15 minutes a day watering and tending to my garden.


Where is your favorite place to garden?​​​