Join Us on September 21st for Marin County’s Biggest (Really BIG!) Garage Sale
Join us on September 21!
Marin County’s Biggest (Really BIG!) Garage Sale in our neighborhood!
Over 50 of our neighbors, selling everything from kids clothes to family jewels, plants to vinyl records, you’re sure to find exactly what you want or need.
Maps and a list of participant addresses will be available at the Santa Venetia Market, so tell your friends to stop by and grab a great cup of coffee on their way in.
In addition to the Market location, maps will be available at a couple of other convenient spots along N. San Pedro, directing shoppers to your door! If you missed the registration deadline, you can still benefit by putting out your own signs. Alternatively, you can scan the QR code below to gain immediate access to the map.
Happy shopping… and we’ll see you tomorrow!
Proudly sponsored by your neighbor, Jim Walsh, James A. Walsh Real Estate (415) 492-0100.