
Your July Market Update

marinstats_july24_1LATEST MARKET DATA – MARIN COUNTY – JUNE 2024

sonomastats_july24_1LATEST MARKET DATA – SONOMA COUNTY – JUNE 2024

June provided us with a reminder that, like all real estate markets at the moment, trends are still subject to fluctuation in Marin and Sonoma counties.

Following four months of continuous market growth, sales and pending sales both dipped a little last month.

However, it’s important to note that, apart from May, sales in both counties were still higher than they had been for a whole year!

In fact June last year was the peak selling month in our area during 2023, but the big difference between then and now is that inventory of available homes is much higher than it was back then – almost 33% higher in Marin County and over 37% higher in Sonoma County.

Greater supply in the market will continue to be a motivating factor for buyers, who have already shown this year that better choice leads to improved purchasing sentiment.

It will be very interesting to see how things fare during this month and we will, of course, be back next month to bring you our analysis.

To learn why this may be the best time to sell your home, call Jim today – 415-492-0100.