Rays of Sunlight in Testing Times
The good news: The days are getting longer and we will be outside, if only in our own backyards, very soon.
Amid the challenges of lockdown, isolation and health concerns, who hasn’t engaged in deeper dives into the offerings of HBO, Netflix and Amazon Prime?
So, once you’ve finished “Queen’s Gambit,” one or two other series and documentaries that held your attention (must-see documentary: Social Dilemma, on Netflix), and before you slip into that next tier of “not quite what I was looking for” videos, here’s a recommendation:
The most uplifting video last year was the one hour commencement exercises of San Rafael High School’s Class of 2020. It’s a look at tomorrow’s leaders and some really great educators doing amazing work. Click here if you missed it.
If you’re like me and sometimes wonder about how we will make the world a better place, and who will make the world a better place, here is cause for faith in the next generation.