Coronavirus Update: Can We Show and Sell Property?
Coronavirus Update: Can We Show and Sell Property?
As of right now, the answer to that is absolutely yes, and we have been doing both – with three sales this month!
It is more complex, for sure, but is being done. There are still no open houses or brokers open houses. So we don’t get out and see as much in person as we used to. We can however, view a home with an interested, and qualified buyer, and we have been doing that every week.
Agents, as always, are adapting. Many listings now have a very good video done of the home, which buyers are required to view before seeing to make sure they like the home. We do it as standard procedure on all of our listings, and if done well, it really helps get a sense of how the home flows, which is critical to a buying decision.
Before viewing, buyers must sign a PEAD form, or for a Coldwell Banker listing, a COVID 19 Prevention Plan Form. This details everything that must be done prior to, during, and after a showing, including:
1. Showings by appointment only.
2. No hard copies of flyers, promotional material, or disclosure or advisory forms, everything must be done electronically.
3. Sanitizer, wipes, and a disposal bag are supplied in the house.
4. No occupants can be in the home during a showing.
5. Commonly used surfaces are wiped down after each showing.
6. No more than two visitors from the same house and one agent in the house at a time.
7. Six foot social distancing at all times, and everyone must wear a face covering.
8. Any disposable gloves, booties etc. to be placed in disposal bag upon leaving.
There are a few more, but these are the major points. We want to do everything we can to make this safe for everyone, so we are insuring this happens at all of our listings and showings, and the other agents are doing so as well.
It requires much more planning now to see a home than it did before, from everyone: buyers, agents, and owners. The situation changes frequently, and we monitor it closely, as we now have two virtual office meeting every week with management to learn about and apply the latest changes.